Friday, August 20, 2010

5th Grade Ecosystem/Biome Quiz Wheel

Can you list five different biomes? Do you know which biome that you live in? If not, you might try asking a fifth grade student at Banks Road Elementary. They are currently studying ecosystems and biomes. To help them remember some of these, they created a quiz wheel. Here is what one student's description about how they created the quiz wheel. Don't forget to check out the quiz wheel below.

"Well, the science quiz wheel is basically two triangles merged together. It forms the quiz wheel shape. It has six flaps where you write the assigned questions on the top of the flaps. On the underside of the flap, you draw a picture about the answer. The answer is written in this space where the flap meets the inside of the paper. On the back, you write the biome you were assigned, a fun fact about your biome, and of course, don't forget your name."